Workplace Violence
Of the 4,679 fatal workplace injuries that happened in 2014, 403 were homicides. Almost 60% of HR Managers report that they have been a witness to violent incidents related to workplace conflict. Workplace violence can be a daily occurrence for some and a fatal isolated incident for others.
According to OSHA, workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. It can affect and involve employees, clients, customers and visitors.
Workplace violence is manageable utilizing physical security measures, employee policies and training programs.
Clients work with RAS Consulting & Investigations to create Security Master Plans that limit, prepare and protect companies from incidents that can cost organizations their employees, culture, reputation and peace of mind.
RAS Consulting & Investigations is experienced in designing solutions reduce the likelihood of workplace violence.
Variables That Increase Workplace Violence
According to OSHA, nearly 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace violence each year. A few factors that may increase the risk of violence:
- Working with volatile, unstable people
- Policies and procedures that do not account for high-risk scenarios such as terminations
- Working in isolated areas or alone such as delivery drivers, public service agents, working late at the office
- Alcohol in a workplace
- Office space located in high crime areas
- Lack of outdoor security such as in parking garages and lots
- Exchanging money with the public
- Poorly developed/lack of corporate culture
Preventing Violence
Workplace violence can range from threats and hostility to a full on violent incident. While it is difficult to fully predict the progression of an unhappy employee to an Active Shooter, precautions can be made to prevent violence in the workplace.
- Establishing Zero Tolerance Policies
- Assessing worksites via Physical Security Assessment to reduce likelihood of incidents
- Establishing and implementing a workplace violence prevention program as a function of Security Master Planning & Development in combination with Group Training
- Development and distribution of an employee handbook
- Investigations and immediate remedies following every employee claim