Security RFP Process
A request for proposal (RFP) is a common business process where a company or organization generates a list of requirements, or an outline of a project, and allows prospective vendors to bid for the project’s completion.
Businesses leaders commonly struggle with the limits of their own expertise in creating the project requirements, often leaning on vendors to educate them on what they need. This exposes them to overbidding and over scoping of needs, resulting in increased time and money.
Organizations rely on RAS Consulting & Investigations to manage their RFP processes and provide a project scope and interpret vendor submissions. This investment ultimately saves clients time and money by insuring that clients purchase the solution that they need at the lowest prices available.
Design to Deployment
Our most commonly recommended services is a simple Physical Security Assessment where RAS is able to evaluate the space and needs of the organization prior to build. We are able to provide a report that outlines initial needs and measures that an organization can begin with, developing into a fully crafted design where commissioned.
For clients that plan to act on the findings from their Physical Security Assessment results, or those that are updating their security footprint independently of this report, the design and project management phase is a crucial portion of a security roll out.
During this phase, intricate details are collected and plans are made that will secure the physical space based on both present and future needs. Building specifications are aligned with appropriate technology options that fit the day-to-day operations of the client’s team.
With all detail taken into account, a blueprint is crafted alongside of a budget that can be executed upon.
While an RFP is proven to save an organization money and often time by allowing for the comparison of multiple vendors at once, it is also a very time intensive process that requires the handling of a large volume of data at once.
RAS is able to expedite and simplify the process in writing the RFP document in a very technically specific way through analyzing submissions through the eyes of experience.
RAS holds relationships with most of the major technology and service vendors in the security space, allowing for a neutral RFP experience. Simply put: we have inside information on the wholesale cost of both technology and services, as well as where each should be used, and are able to negotiate fair or discounted prices utilizing this knowledge.
While it is in a vendor’s best interest to up sell products and services, it is in RAS’ best interest to architect solutions that provide the best physical security at the lowest cost. Because our alignment is with the needs of the client and never with the incentives of the vendor, we are able to focus on what will best protect the organization.
System build out and/or policy roll out is not the end of the design process, but still the beginning. Executing perfectly in these areas will validate an investment, or make it useless.
Our personal viewpoint on project management is that work is not completed until it is completed entirely and perfectly. This means working alongside General Contractors and Technicians to ensure that every detail in an installation is perfect and all systems are sound.
Clients have shared that this phase of a project typically creates the most stress: employees are disrupted if they are currently utilizing the workspace. Their lack of understanding of construction and space design creates insecurity and instability in assessing quality and completeness.
Solving Client ProblemsEnd-to-End
Often, we begin our role in the RFP Process with a client through an assessment of their needs. This may come in the form of a Physical Security Assessment, which can lead to a Security Master Planning Project.
Our goal is to solve client problems and to ensure that all of the clients with whom we partner establish safe business practices and spaces. We find it ideal to participate in assessment, design, selection and deployment to ensure the results we would expect if it were our own business and employees.