Employment Litigation
Thousands of claims are filed annually by employees against their employers. Many of these claims are settled; others litigated. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent by organization in payouts.
Federal law protects employees from retaliation by their employers in the event of their filing or participating in a proceeding. It is important to discuss this information with business leaders and employees, as well as pursue training in incident management to ensure adequate preparation.
While harassment and retaliation charges can be a cause of concern and anxiety. Investigative experts such as RAS Consulting & Investigations are seasoned in navigating complicated incidents and come prepared to protect your organization in conjunction with your legal team.
Avoiding Unexpected Expenses
Unprepared organizations can be penalized during employee claims when investigations are improperly conducted.
Working with a trained investigator who serves as a neutral party may not only gather more information for your case, but can help to protect your organization from additional liability.
Responding to Employee Litigation
Nearly 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace violence each year. 90,000 discrimination cases are filed annually.
RAS Consulting & Investigations is able to investigate alleged incidents immediately as they arise. This allows a business to quickly assess the validity of claims at the start or prior to possible investigations by the EEOC. Proactive investigation processes allow for a business leader to take control of incidents, as well as determine additional possible investigative angles.